Wednesday, 29 August 2018

In Bruges (2008)

 There is something special in the old laid back town of Bruges. The streets, pavements, buildings, waterways all have stories of centuries hidden in them. Its existence in today's world is itself an irony  to start with. And the kind of nobility, wickedness, lightness and darkness within the realm, is also similar. The film is filled with ironies of many kinds, mixed beautifully with comedy, friendship and a surprise element of death waiting at each turn. This concoction is not unique to movies but the taking here is brilliant enough to warrant a specialty to this particular film

Colin Farrell lives up to the script, probably carrying it forward ably while standing alongside performers like Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes. The complex intertwinings of emotion in duty and professionalism are used very well by slow dialogue and body language, a not so common element in action movies. The character arc completes with Ray's atonement, thus cementing Ken's belief in him to be so. It somehow made me believe for a while that it is worth all the drama, that Ray is worth all that. A lot happens for worthiness in movies but there is always an easy balance in things that are so that drives me to it. I think Jimmy's role in this is a Deus ex Machina that is fitted to add more to the surprises that the movie's ending is filled with, just too many, too many that spoil the picture built carefully for such a long time. 

Gold stands for warmth in the movie.
Maroon is used to foreshadow a special character.
These morale highgrounds and their conflicts with human emotions are probably well played through the setting. The setting becomes the movie and what better way than this. Bruges is a lifeless monument of a town filled with rigid stone and sharp angles, a spectacle, a bemusement, where grey, dull yellow, and black in overcast skies form the day, every day. It stands for all that that happens in it except the unnecessary high drama of an action thriller at its very end. Out of the grotesqueness, the roads, darkness, tainted walls, glimmers of light, and everything around, bits of joy, of deep emotions seep in spreading out into the tale and us. A thoroughly enjoyable masterpiece for the head and heart. 

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